Maldos Cleaning Pros

Disinfecting Services Near Me

At Maldos Cleaning Pros, we stay ahead of the curve regarding cleanliness and disinfection using an advanced electrostatic spraying system. Unlike traditional methods, our air-assisted sprayers generate droplets that are Disinfecting Services near me approximately 900 times smaller, providing superior coverage and adhesion to target surfaces.

Electrostatic Disinfection Services:

Collier & Lee Counties

The electrically charged droplets produced are the key to the effectiveness of electrostatic spraying systems. These droplets naturally adhere to surfaces, wrapping around even hard-to-reach areas.

Our disinfecting services utilize these cutting-edge technologies at home or in your workplace to combat viruses and bacteria effectively.

Treating commonly touched surfaces like door handles, keyboards, touch screens, tables, and kitchen surfaces significantly reduces the risks of viral and bacterial transmission.

When you choose Disinfecting Services near me, you’re not just investing in cleanliness; you’re investing in peace of mind. We are your go-to cleaning company if you’re looking for disinfection services near me.

Book today, and you’ll receive complimentary disinfection services worth $150 as a token of our appreciation. Schedule your appointment now and discover the difference with Maldos Cleaning Pros! 

Flu & Coronavirus Disinfecting Services

If you’re looking for reliable disinfecting services, Maldos Cleaning Pros is your solution for expert sanitization. After the pandemic in 2020, owners of commercial and residential spaces are increasingly interested in cleanliness. 

We specialize in eco-friendly, state-of-the-art treatments designed to promote a healthier environment in your home or office. Our experienced team uses EPA-approved disinfectants and follows CDC guidelines to ensure a thorough cleaning that targets and eliminates viruses, bacteria, and allergens.

Proactive Disinfection: Combatting Cold & Flu Season